ok, am sorry. am sorry. am sorry.
it's not that i dont want to blog or sth.
it's just.
1st. i dont hv any internet cnnction for now. so if i want to go ol, i need to go to kevin's n mostly it's when i need to do research.
2nd. college has started. well, dont tell me u dont knw how busy this architecture student is. i barely had my meal when i need to finsih an assignment, rmmbr?
3rd. am still busy with assignments n cant find any right time to blog.
ok, why i dont hv internet cnnction is, related to, i'm movinq! yeyyyyyyyyyyyy! hahahaa.
i'm movinq to cyberia from desaria, whr ppl said movinq to a city from a kampoenq!
it's true. i'm not bluffinq or wht. even the marketinq miss also said so. hahhaa.
i'll hv more choices in meal, i'll hv better internet cnnction, i'll move in with phei, cs, ellys, connie n the other one who stays thr alrd, i'll stay closer to him XD
talkinq bout him, we're gettinq better n better *i hope so, blush*
sometimes we still hv those little fights, like yesterday, but well, wht we feel is wht we feel.
i wont describe it. let it be our little feelinqs :)
assignments. ok, they really kill me. i mean for real.
even for this first design assignment, i was so desperate myself.
i was sick, n my childhood illness was thr sddnly, n the submission was hours apart.
i was so stress.
n still thnkx to him to hv everythinq under control :)
so now here i am. well, the end of semester is still miles apart.
but i feel like i'm havinq it now.
bcause of the busy submission for this first assignment.
well, not only me who feels it. phei also feels that way. hahaha.
yahh, all i can do is jiayou n jiayou, hv faith, where there is buddha's dharma, there's a way.
although i didnt go to temple again here, the lesson is still inside of me :)
thnkx to light suhu n s3s for tht.
ahh. everytime i'm havinq hard time, i will recall whn i passed the day so easily.
with cares, laughs n blesses of everyone.
whn my friends were thr every school days.
whn i went to temple every sunday.
whn i went to s3s to participate or give a hand in the events.
everythinq was so nice, so great, so unbelievable that it was a life of mine.
comparinq it to now.
now is not bad, but it is worse. seriously.
well, i'm not complaininq for wht i hv now.
wht else could i complain.
i hv supportive friends like b4, now i even hv bubu beside me :)
it's just, sometimes i miss those old days.
n i feel really, really grateful that buddha send them to me. everything n everyone :D
wish i hv more time for blogginq.
i love to share these thingies! :)
prbbly when i moved to a new house.