Tuesday, February 22, 2011


am genuinely sayinq sorry to you.
i've never thought that conversation would make us end up like this.
was so happy that we could talk like we used to.
n now, the awkwardness slips in again.

everyone talks behind our back.
so what's the point of findinq out who talk about you?
it just extends your list of the untrustworthy-ers.
tellinq you who she is wont change anythinq.
on the contrary, enmity will haunt you.

just be who you are.
care LESS what people said.
you are who you are.
you know who you are.
although everyone in this world misunderstands about you,
the ones who really know you will believe and understand.

friendships are built on trust.
people talks and regrets at the same time.
then tell me,
why on earth i have to aggravate the relationship between both of you?

Monday, February 21, 2011

love, taylor

real life is a funny thinq, u knw. in real life, sayinq the right thinq at the right moment is beyond crucial. so crucial, in fact, tht most of us start to hesitate, for fear of sayinq the wronq thinq at the wronq time. but lately, wht i've begun to fear more than tht is lettinq the moment pass without sayinq anything.

i think most of us fear reaching the end ouf our life, n lookinq bck regrettinq the moments we didnt speak up. whn we didnt say 'i love u.' whn we shld've said 'i'm sorry.' whn we didnt stand up for ourselves or someone who needed help.

words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them bck tgthr. i hope u use urs for good, bcause the only words u'll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones u use to intentionally hurt someone.

wht u say might be too much for some people. maybe it will come out all wronq and u'll stutter n u'll walk away embarrassed, wincinq as u play it all back in ur heart. but i think the words u stop urself from saying r the ones that will haunt u the longest.

so say it to them. or say it urself in the mirror. say it in a letter u'll nv send or in a book millions might read someday. i think u deserve to look back on ur life without a chorus of resoundinq voices sayinq 'i cld've, but i't too late now.'

thr is a time for silence, thr is a time waitinq ur turn. but if u knw how u feel, n u so clearly knw wht u need to say, u'll knw it.

i dont think u shld wait. i think u shld speak now.


i cut off some craps.
it's inspirinq, isn't it?

Sunday, February 20, 2011


wht on earth is happening heree?
why the background doesnt appear? grrr.
am still figurinq out.
the next post wld be next next time ur visit. hahha :)

Friday, February 11, 2011

butterfly on the wheel :D

hello readers! howdy? :)
cny has passed in a blink of eye.
n my holiday is goinq to end in no time either :(
happy belated cny anyway! :D

btw. i'm still workinq on my blog.
changinq this n that.
well, wht do u think?
i'm thinkinq to change the banner, but i hasnt edit anythinq.
gotta postpone it! hhaha.
but i heart this new layout n font! aw aw aw! XD

stay tune!