Sunday, February 28, 2010

25 random facts.

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.

At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. feeling sad now, feeling like cryinq ='(

2. i dont hv any sure name, so do my dad n every single person in my family.

3. hope to design my own homie.

4. dunno why, but i oweix love nice n expensive thingies rather than cheap ones =='

5. i need cares. i do.

6. i dont eat beef, spicy n vege. i only eat vege when i'm in s3s =)

7. love jay so so so much XD

8. not really into flowers, but love the white ones =D

9. mia0 is my chinese name, not a nickname.

10. hate to be mad, cause i alwys cry when i'm upset.

11. love art, like photography, music n dance. but i nv take any seriously =='

12. instead of pooh or piglet, i like eeyore more. hahha.

13. want to hv a pet, but my mom hates fury animal =(

14. i was so fatty" when i was a baby, but at the month 4, i went sick n now here is the skinny-unfattable me now, even i eat all the times.

15. love my besties =))

16. i'm hardly mad at my friend, dunno why. but it doesnt mean i cant be mad. n if i'm mad at ppl, it wont be for a long time. after i talk to them, i'll be tempted to make friends with them again.

17. my life is not as simple n happy as it seems. it's more complicated than any of u may think. take my words.

18. i've only been a holiday with whole fam for once, n it was when i was 5 =='

19. i dont eat at dining table, cause i hate chili, even for its smell :x

20. tempt to travel around the world! yipee! XD

21. dislike ppl who think my life is easy, for me making friends is easy n blablabla. wht i hv is wht i attempt, including making friends. dont act like noone wants to be ur friend, whn u urself dont try to make friend with them.

22. hv phobia with fire >,<"

23. hate to be ignored. helloo? i'm not talkinq to the wall.

24. i'm not a really straightforward person. i'm afraid to hurt ppl. but sometimes with some, i also can critic straightforwardly. dunno why =='

25. i'm hungry after cryinq n drinkinq milk now. hahaha.

1. yustine chandra.
2. cynthia taruna.
3. novelia wijaya.
4. rosemerry will.
5. jenny chiuman.
6. shelly angela.
7. vivian huanq.

feel better after cryinq. hahaha.

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