Friday, March 18, 2011

translatinq those little voices in ur mind into words ♥

hi folks! hahaha.
subsequently i've succeed to force myself to blog.
i dont knw wht i've been busyinq since i reached here. LOL.
life has gone ups n downs all the time.

b4 bustinq into wht i've been through for these 3 weeks,
i've been thinkinq of sth.
actually, wht do people think about blogginq?
found out tht some might think this folk blogs just to publicize his or her personal life.
n people read one's blog just for food for gossip.
if u do read my blog in motive of it, let me tell u wht, be my guest :)
cause i cldnt care much!

wht holdinq me up for blogginq is, i really heart to write
in my apprehension, words are excessively magical, arent they?
thus, i love to pour wht i experience and feel to words :)
likewise, it also helps me to enrich my vocabs n reminisce wht i've been through. *apologize for my lack of vocab though >.<*
some folks prefer to write general n supportive blog, though i prefer to share wht i like n my personal experiences with hopes people will learn sth from it :]
i do believe thr are lessons taught in every incident. hahah.

writinq is the simplest thinq to be done, aside from talkinq.
i knw some says they cant write.
but hey, writinq is wht u do everyday since u're younq.
how cant u write?
not like drawinq or playinq musical instruments which talks about talent,
writinq is about translatinq those little voices in ur mind into words! :)

ok, i start to murmurinq. haha.
wht i really wanna say is, why dont u start to write?
everyday of yours is a bless and priceless, then i think it's worth to be story-told :D

p.s : for those who read people's blogs just to gossip around, just stop being a biatch n go get a life perhaps? i'm sure u've got much more precious things to do either. LOL.

p.p.s : though i love to write, sometimes my hands are just too lazy to do their works! :p